Here is the plan I am following to lose weight. This is not a diet, but a permanent lifestyle change. It is totally sustainable and easy to follow. I have no references to this plan, other than my doctor, who told me to eat spicy foods to feel more full. This is not a "lose weight quick" plan. I do all of the things below and, admittedly, I pulled most of them out of my (shrinking) butt.
1. Increase the amount of spicy foods you eat. Incorporate "the heat" into your meals where possible to make you feel full. For me this lasts several hours. Here, I am the test kitchen for healthy recipes that incorporate heat in a sensible way. If you want ghost chili fried chicken wing recipes, this ain't the place for you.
2. Cut down to 2-100 calorie snacks a day. It is important for me not to eat all of the snack at once either. Carry a paper clip with you to close a bag of Pop Chips, for example, until later. Typically, I'll spread a bag of said chips out over 3-4 hours.
3. Chew gum.
4. Ditch coffee creamer. Depending on how much you use, it could add up to 10-15 pounds a year!
5. Ditch cheese, mayo, and anything oil-based, for the most part.
6. Don't give up any foods you like, just eat less.
7. If anything in #5 is something you like, look at #6.
8. Load up your meals with veggies. Get lots of them and incorporate them everywhere. Spare no cost to get high quality veggies.
9. Do not weight yourself. I have been weighed twice since I started this plan and both times were by my doctor.
10. Set up some way to be accountable for your weight. This blog and my doctor are my methods of accountability.
11. Set up an incentive program. Buy yourself something nice when you hit your big weight loss goals.
12. Do not pass up ANY opportunities to eat anything you like. If you want an In 'n Out burger, then go get one and enjoy it. Not doing this is a recipe for failure. Like I said, this is not a lose weight quick plan, but it is a permanent lifestyle change. Skinny people eat cheeseburgers too.
13. Go buy a shirt or pants that are a size smaller than you wear now. It is a great feeling to put those clothes on and wear them out. I have done this with numerous shirts and pants.
14. Keep your original belt you wore when you started the plan and keep adding new holes to it as you lose weight. It is a great sanity check.
15. And finally...when you go to grab a snack that you know you shouldn't eat, before you eat it, count to 10. While counting, put the food down and go do something productive.